The Journey of Creating My Website

Posted by Mary on 19 March 2024

Here I will share a story behind the creation of my web page, the technology I used, and the reasons for choosing these particular tools.

Why Create a Personal Web Page?

In today's digital age, having a personal web page is essential for any professional, especially for developers. Here are a few reasons why I decided to create my own web page:

  1. Showcase my skills: A personal web page allows me to demonstrate my coding abilities, design sense, and understanding of various tools and technologies.
  2. Build an online presence: An online portfolio helps me stand out and increases my visibility to potential employers, clients, and collaborators.
  3. Document my learning: Writing about my experiences, projects, and the technology I use enables me to reflect on my learning process and improve as a developer.
  4. Connect with the community: Sharing my work and ideas online opens up opportunities for networking and collaboration with other developers and professionals.

Technology Stack

I decided to use the following technologies:


Zola is a fast and modern static site generator written in Rust. I chose Zola because:

  • It's fast and efficient, ensuring quick build times and optimal site performance;
  • It provides a simple and easy-to-understand templating language for creating custom layouts;
  • It comes with built-in support for syntax highlighting, making it perfect for showcasing code snippets;
  • The strong community and extensive documentation make it easy to get started and troubleshoot issues.

GitHub Pages

I decided to host my website on GitHub Pages because:

  • It's reliable, secure, and offers excellent performance;
  • It's free for personal use and provides seamless integration with GitHub repositories;
  • It supports custom domain names, allowing me to create a professional-looking URL;
  • Its strong connection to the developer community makes it a popular choice for hosting personal web pages and portfolios.

GitHub Actions

To automate the deployment process, I used GitHub Actions. This decision was based on the following reasons:

  • GitHub Actions offers a powerful and flexible way to automate workflows, including deployment, testing, and more;
  • It's fully integrated with GitHub, making it easy to use and maintain;
  • It supports a wide range of community-contributed actions, which can be easily adapted and reused for various projects;
  • Using GitHub Actions demonstrates my proficiency in modern DevOps practices.


Creating my website has been a rewarding journey, allowing me to enhance my skills as a developer and designer. This article contains just high-level information about the tools I used and why I chose them. If you're interested in more details, just let me know and I'll write about it.